Waive/Extend an Application Deadline

Waive/Extend an Application Deadline

Waive/Extend an Application Deadline for an Individual Applicant

  1. Navigate to the application, e.g. via ApplicantsSearch.

  2. Go to the Status tab of the application.

  3. Enter the new deadline into the Waive until box and click Update.

Waive/Extend an Application Deadline for an Entire Program

Keep in Mind

Waiving/Extending the deadline for an entire program will open the program back up to the public. If you do not want to allow new applications, make sure to uncheck the "Accepting Applications" checkbox in step 4 below.

  1. Navigate to the program builder for the program (e.g. by click ProgramsSearch or ProgramsList All)

  2. Click on the Dates tab.

  3. Locate the row containing the term you would like to provide an extension for and click on the Pencil Icon ().

  4. Enter the new deadline in the Application Deadline field.
    Note: If you do not want to allow new applications, be sure to uncheck the box labeled "Accepting Applications".

  5. Scroll to the bottom and click Update.

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